Focused on Nature

Marine conservation through photography
Prince Hussain Aga Khan developed a keen interest in conservation at a young age and began scuba diving at 14. He frequently travelled to the tropics after high school and started taking photographs of fauna and flora on a trip to the Brazilian Amazon in 1996.
Through numerous exhibitions, publications and talks, Prince Hussain has created a global platform to raise awareness and inspire and educate audiences to protect and conserve the most threatened places and species on our planet. His exhibitions have been held in Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Kenya, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Prince Hussain chairs the board of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, serves on the board of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, and is a member of the Aga Khan Development Network’s Environment and Climate Committee. He is a board member of Mission Blue, the Shark Conservation Fund, as well as the Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation’s Council for Hope.
Through the power of art, Age of Union and Focused on Nature are partnering to showcase the beauty and splendour of our oceans to raise awareness of the urgency and necessity to protect and conserve our natural heritage and resources.

Focussed on Nature
A partner in the conservation and protection of threatened and endangered ecosystems and species.
Focused on Nature (FON) was established by Prince Hussain in 2014 to support global conservation, advocacy and research efforts through financial contributions to some of the world’s leading conservation organisations as well as significant grassroots initiatives.
Projects are handpicked and vetted through a process of consultation with FON’s expert and committed advisors. FON funding, channelled towards the conservation of sharks, mobulids, cetaceans, sea turtles, African elephants and rhinoceroses, rainforests and apes, leads to an immediate and significant impact on the protection and conservation of these species and ecosystems.
Prince Hussain’s passion for wildlife photography is at the heart of FON, which now holds extensive archives accumulated over nearly three decades from his marine and terrestrial expeditions. FON uses the photographic medium to communicate with diverse audiences and to raise awareness around the necessity and urgency to protect and conserve fragile
and threatened ecosystems around the world.
Exhibitions, public screenings, illustrated talks, books, and photography print sales are all used to inspire people to fall in love with nature, encourage them to change their consumption behaviours and motivate them to educate others.